Monday, March 19, 2012

Another Week Closer

Well, we are another week closer to leaving, and I pray that things get a bit better over there, or this will be a busy year or so indeed!  I can see a little bit why they were upset with the Koran burning, but it was taken out of context, but that doesn't matter, because the bottom line was that books were burned and it was our fault, no matter what really happened.  It is like little kids who get in trouble, the first one to "mommy" must be the truth, regardless if it IS the truth!  Then the nut-job that may or may not have killed a bunch of folks (remember innocent UNTIL proven guilty, not the other way around).

How I felt about going to the range

Ok, off my soap box for now!  Well the wife and I relaxed this last weekend, watched "21 Jump Street" (really funny, better than I thought it would be) and packed a little more.  We were thinking about going to the gun range here in town, which rents machine guns (!) and blow a few hundred rounds in a short amount of time!
I think I need a bigger gun!

But we decided not to this weekend, maybe on a rainy day or something.  So no machinegunning for me this weekend.  We did go antiquing (is that a word) in Paxico, KS, but we were really disappointed.  Not only the selection of stuff was a little weak, but they wanted an arm-and-a-leg for anything (stupid "American Pickers", way to drive the price up!), so we headed back the 30 minutes back to home, wallet full and truck empty.

Well, I'll finish this up, and I think that the next post will be informative, I'll give everyone some Afghanistan facts, maps, and general information so my nephews and nieces can use them for show and tell for school if they want to, and when I get pictures when over there, I will post them here so that everyone will know what I am talking about when I get over there.  If you want to know when I think I am deploying, give me or the wife a call!

Until next time, take care everyone!


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